
Industries - BlastX 108 can be used worlwide for marine, offshore, industrial & infrastructure

No matter what industry you are in, wether it is marine, automotive, industrial, offshore or infrastructure, BlastX 108 cleans all freshly blasted surfaces & removes all salts, residues, grease & grime, preventing flash rusting, and leaving a perfectly clean surface that is ready for applying a protective coating.

What Industries Is BlastX 108 Flash Rust Inhibitor & Salt Remover Used In?


Use when stripping your pride & joy down to bare metal. The use of BlastX 108 after either wet or dry blasting will leave the metal perfectly clean, flash rust & salt free & ready to undercoat.

Wet blasting is the preferred method when blasting car panels. Traditional dry sand blasting generates a lot of heat, & can warp the panels. The water used when wet blasting helps cool the panels, generating far less heat, & avoiding the problems normally encountered with dry sand blasting. For best results wet blast with BlastX 108 added to the blast pot, with an additional washdown with a pressure washer after blasting, with BlastX 108 in the pressure washer blast water.


  • BlastX 108 prevents flash rust during & after wet or vapour blasting.
  • BlastX 108 can be used after dry abrasive blasting to prevent flash rust / rust back.
  • BlastX 108 can be used after acid bath rust removal to neutralise acid residue & prevent flash rust.
  • BlastX 108 is compatible with all industrial coatings
  • BlastX 108 is easily applied after blasting with high pressure water blasting equipment, or during blasting by adding to the blast pot.
  • BlastX 108 is economical, costing just cents per square metre.
  • No rinse off is required. BlastX 108 evaporates off with the wash water leaving zero residue.
  • BlastX 108 is biodegradable, and does not persist in the environment.
  • BlastX 108 is non hazardous to use, and contains no Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s)
  • BlastX 108 can be used as a direct replacement for HoldTight 102, HoldBlast, Dustless Blasting Rust Inhibitor, or RapidHold. Use at the same dilution ratio’s.
  • BlastX 108 is manufactured in Australia.